The Story of 10,000 words, begins with a single pen stroke.
iPad Challenge for Autism
Help a wonderful little boy named Malcolm, earn an iPad, to help him overcome his sensory issues, his speech delays and difficulties, and to help with his other therapies. Just click the linked photo, then click the piece you want, and enter MALCOLM DENNIS in the "Challenger's Name" text box, and check out! It's super easy!
As funny as this may sound, as much as I love to write, this is the one thing I can not do. Write about myself. So, a little about me. I'm very happily married to the most wonderful man in the world, and together, we are raising the 2 most perfect little boys. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but only in the last 6 or 7 years, has the inspiration, and gumption, to actually have anything published, hit me.